Chambers County Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff Jeff Nelson
The Chambers County Sheriff’s Office is located inside the Chambers County Courthouse in downtown LaFayette.
2 South LaFayette Street
LaFayette, AL 36862
Phone: (334) 864-4333
Sheriff Jeff Nelson
Chief Deputy Mike Parrish
Patrol Commander Captain Derick Wright
Jail Administrator Major Tommy Sims
Mission Statement
The Chambers County Sheriff’s Office is committed to protect the lives, property and rights of all people, to maintain order and to enforce local, state and federal laws The Chambers County Sheriff’s Office will strive to accomplish this mission by setting goals and objectives and practicing the values of the Department.
The Chambers County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the professional care and custody of thoseconfined in our jail, the security of our courts and the prompt investigation of crime when it occurs. It is our mission to improve and maintain the quality of life we enjoy and to ensure that our county is a safe place to live, work and visit.
We are totally dedicated to this mission, to the County we serve and to accept the responsibility of attaining our goal of achieving excellence within our profession
Chambers County Public Safety Mobile App
This new app is an innovative approach to help Chambers County citizens, businesses and visitors stay informed of important news and resources from the sheriff’s office. After downloading the app on your smartphone, you can receive important and timely alerts directly from the sheriff’s office.
Submit a Tip is a key feature of the app that enables you to submit a crime tip, either anonymously or with contact information, along with photos. Every tip submission is confidential.
You can also view most wanted photos on the main app menu to see people with outstanding warrants in Chambers County. Other features include:
- Submit a Tip
- News Alerts
- Inmate Information
(Includes inmate search, inmate telephone information, video visitation and inmate commissary.) - Contact Information
- Sex Offender Search
- And more!
To engage the community in public safety, anyone with the app can use the "Share our App" feature to forward alerts and download links to friends, family and neighbors.
“The mission of the Chambers County Sheriff’s Office is to protect and serve our community,” Sheriff Sid Lockhart said. “With this new app we can keep the public informed and alerted and also empower our community to be our partners in public safety.”
The Chambers County Sheriff’s Office mobile app is created by, a division of OCV, LLC., which specializes in mobile app development for sheriffs’ offices and public safety. With over 400 apps in the App Store and Google Play, OCV designs and develops custom apps for state, county and local government agencies. “Nearly 80 percent of Americans own and use smartphones as their primary means of communication,” Kevin Cummings, Vice President of Sales, said. “Mobile apps offer public safety organizations a great way to alert and inform their citizens. Both apps and social media are key in allowing public safety organizations to reach their public unlike ever before.”